Lunch Bunch

Monthly, 11 AM - 1 PM

Each month, Loray is hosting a Friendship Lunch called the Lunch Bunch in the church fellowship hall.  The menu will be seasonal.  Stop in for your lunch break, bring a friend and make new ones!  Use link below to determine gathering dates.

Boy Scout Sunday

Sunday, February  2, at 10:29 Am

On Sunday, February 2, 2025, we will observe Scout Sunday at Loray.  For over a century, Loray has sponsored Boy Scout Troop 9.  There will be other events and activities that day with the troop.  Call the church office for more details.  

Ash Wednesday

Wednesday, March 5 at 5:30 PM

The Lenten season falls later on the calendar this year.  On March 5, at 5:30 PM, join us for a symbolic and meaningful services of ashes and nails in preparation for the season of Lent. Refection of our lives during Lent helps us honor our Lord Jesus and prepare us for the joy of Easter.

Social Servants Gatherings

Each month

Church members gather monthly for food, fellowship, fun and service. This monthly event is for everyone.  Use the link below to see our church calendar of these gatherings.